Damanga Coalition for Freedom and Democracy One of many destroyed villages in Darfur Sudan


Hamas Visits Sudan

Feburary 27, 2006

On February 11, 2006 Khalid Mashal, political head of Hamas, visited Sudan. The Damanga Coalition for Freedom and Democracy wishes to express its concern over the welcoming reception that Hamas received from the ruling National Islamic Front (NIF).

Both the United States and European Union have classified Hamas as a terrorist organization. The NIF also has significant ties to terrorist organizations; Osama bin Laden once took refuge in Sudan. We at the Damanga coalition are concerned about the implications of these two governments working together to spread more killings and terrorism in the world.

We are also disturbed by Hamas' stated objective of eliminating Israel. The meeting of NIF and Hamas represents the coming together of two extremist governments with obviously violent tendencies. From a geo-political perspective, the world ought to be concerned about these extremist governments forming coalitions. Indeed, such coalitions represent a firming of resolve in the minds of leaders who believe that killing and suicide bombing are the answers to their people's problems.

The Damanga Coalition wants to make clear to the NIF, Hamas and like minded groups that killing is not the answer to the difficulties everywhere in the world. Poverty and discontent will only be worsened if the NIF continues its activities in Darfur, and Palestine will be made much worse off if the violence against Israel does not stop. Providing aid and comfort to terrorist organizations and militias drains governments of valuable resources and prevents countries from developing socially and economically.

We assert that the only way in which the Middle East and Sudan can come to participate in the modern world is to set aside issues of race and hatred. Peace is possible, and in making peace all parties will benefit from being able to focus their energies on addressing issues like healthcare, education and development.