Demonstration at uN as US discusses plans for darfur

DEMO AT THE UN THIS TUESDAY, June 17: Ralph Bunche Park, 42nd and 1st Ave, from 2-3. Please come and show your solidarity with the people of Darfur. Signs should be addressed to US and China asking for immediate action to stop the murder of the people of Darfur. There are likely to be high-profile people there. Let us know if you can come.

From a Darfuri activist friend:

"Latest from Khartoum and Darfur.

1- There is fighting in East Darfur ( Um Kaddada area)
between Rebels and GoS troops. Some villages in the
area were bombed by GoS airplanes.

2- In Khartoum: The wife of human rights lawyer
has been detained with her 9 months baby.

3- More detentions of Darfuris ( professionals,
students, ordinary people ) is still going on with
horrible stories of torture,

4- Ruling party supporters attacked Darfuri students
in the dormitories of University of Khartoum within
the university campuses this last thursday. The ruling
party supporters were led by security agents. The
Darfuri students were beaten with ends of pistols,
steel bars, burning acids ( sulphuric acids), some
thrown to the concrete slab from 2nd floor
The Darfuri students were denied medical treatment and
now some may face amputation of limbs, loss of
eyes, or wound poisoning."