Timeline of RMCE Activities

Mohamed Yahya and other Sudanese students studying in Cairo, start the RMCE organization. They begin by writing articles in various newspapers in Egypt and in the Sudan to bring attention to what is happening in Darfur. They are the first group to alert the world to these atrocities.

RMCE, made many press releases and many reports in international newspapers about Darfur. RMCE contributed immensely in addressing the issue of the marginalized black Africans in Sudan like Nuba mountain, South Sudan, East Sudan, and Darfur of western Sudan. We also kept writing and distributing reports.


RMCE issues its first report to the international community. RMCE's membership, a group of Sudanese students in Egypt, were receiving reports from Darfur alerting them to the human rights abuses people were suffering there. They believed that this situation could become more dangerous for the people very quickly so they wrote a statement and distributed it to the different embassies in Cairo. This statement was then distributed by embassy officials throughout the world. It was published in the UN general assembly publication and was quoted by Kofi Annan in some of his speeches at the UN.

It was then that RMCE was contacted by Jemera Rone from Human Rights Watch, who began working with the organization, addressing and highlighting the issue of Western Sudan. RMCE's members were introduced, through Rone, to Dr. Leonardo Franco, special repertoire for Human Rights Watch to the Sudan, began to send reports directly to him.

RMCE met with the Sudanese Federal Alliance Party Chairman-Cairo, the African Studies office at American University Cairo Egypt, and with the special representative of Dr, Garang Demebior, Chairman of SPLM/A in Cairo. Members of RMCE also participated in a conference at the Umma Party office.

RMCE sponsored most of the refugees who came to America, Australia and Europe from Darfur through the UNHCR. They met with representatives from the office of the UNHCR throughout this time reporting on what was happening in West Sudan.

2002 RMCE met with retired Ambassador Robert Oakley at the Institute for National Strategic Studies.

Chairman Mohamed Yahya begins his speaking campaign at university campuses throughout the United States and in Europe, keeping people informed about what is happening in Darfur. He also meets with government officials from the Bush administration and speaks at rallies in Washington D.C. and New York.


RMCE participated in signing and co-operating with the faith-based-Coalition of American Humanitarian organizations to save Darfur, and the campaign of the Middle Eastern American Convention for Freedom and Democracy, in a conference held in Washington DC. RMCE also participated in negotiating peace in Sudan at Harvard University School of Law. RMCE participated in a meeting with UN Special Advisor for the Prevention of Genocide, Professor Juan Mendez, in October in New York.

Members of RMCE also participated in demonstrations in front of the Sudanese Embassy, the White House, the State Department and the Congress. RMCE participated in Rwanda genocide memorial of the tenth anniversary of the genocide and marched from the Congress to the Rwandan embassy. RMCE also met with director of the American Organization for Refugees, Mr. Peter Kranstofer, to discuss the situation of the refugees in Chad.


RMCE is currently co-operating with more than 150 organizations through the world.

As the executive director of Damanga, Mr. Yahya is continuing his tireless effort of gathering and distributing information from his contacts in Darfur about the continuing atrocities suffered there. He is also dedicated to building coalitions between the different tribes affected by the genocide so that they can begin to work together.